Make it Fun!

Paws Along the Trail with Laughter

School is ending for many of us teachers.  This is the time of year when standardized tests are completed and some lighthearted academic activities are welcomed in the classroom.  I love seeing my students laugh!  This activity brought fun moments for our last week together.

The laughter is so sweet during this activity!

I thought, “Why not incorporate parts-of-speech review with an Iditarod activity that is interactive and fun?”  The students worked together as partners.  One asked the questions for an Iditarod Mad Libs™ type story.   “Give me a plural noun.”  He wrote her answer in the blank.  “Give me an adjective.”  That got written down.  Once all the blanks in the story were filled, he read her answers in the context of the story, which, as you can see above, was hilarious!

For those of you winding down the school year, it’s a great activity!  Those of you fortunate to already be on summer break, file it away for a rainy or snowy day next year.  Combining the Iditarod and the laughter of students…what could be better?  You can take my activity and tweak it to match your grade level.

Running the Iditarod Worksheet 

Laughing at the silly sentences they created