G is for Gee

The Iditarod Alphabet 2017
G is for Gee

Command given for the dogs to turn right.

G is for Gee

The 2017 Jr. Iditarod has come to a close.  The final musher, Hannah Mahoney, arrived shortly after the banquet ended.  Over all the it was a great race and the mushers showed so much strength and perseverance! 

We had another grand adventure back to the Willow Community Center today, which started with a broken snow machine at Yentna.  The broken machine was evidence of why Joe Redington, Sr. wanted to save the use of dog sledding… you never know when our modern technology is going to fail us.   Once we got the snow machine going we headed back to Willow, and I even got the chance to drive for a mile or two (it was awesome).

Here are the results of the 2017 Jr. Iditarod:

1.) Andrew Nolan
2.) Colby Spears
3.) Emma Shawcroft
4.) Bailey Schaeffer
5.) Chandler Wappett
6.) Rachel Cockman
7.) Kali Herbst
8.) Katie Deits
9.) Anna Stephan
10.) Rebecka Stephan
11.) Katherine Winrich
12.) Hannah Mahoney