2025 Musher Banquet Centerpieces

Create! Send!

Be an important part of the Iditarod!

  • Provide your students with an opportunity to be involved in a service learning project. You can’t always be somewhere ‘physically’, but what you can do is help to create an environment for this exciting event. Be with us through your students’ art and creative endeavors.
  • Remember, keep your design SIMPLE for inexpensive mailing and ease of set up at the banquet. Easy, ready to go, freestanding designs will be best. Designs that are complicated or will require multiple steps in setting up on the tables, or extra volunteer time to help set up, won’t meet the criteria for this project.
  • Centerpieces should not exceed 8″ high by 10 ” wide and should be free standing. They should be ONE piece and should not require additional set up or building from banquet volunteers.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Develop a concept and create an example in the form of a sketch, written explanation, model or digital image of your classroom’s idea.
  • Keep in mind shipping, ease of set up, size and theme.
  • Email an example of your planned design and the information listed below to Linda Fenton at linda.fenton@iditarod.com

School Name

Educator Contact(s) name

Email Address

Grade level(s) participating

Phone Number

Number of centerpieces your students are able to make

  • Participating classrooms will be asked to create up to 20 table decorations. However, a smaller or larger number will work, too.
  • Participating classrooms will be responsible for providing all materials, packing and shipping costs.

Your classroom will enjoy the thrill of being a part of the Last Great Race on Earth® along with recognition at the musher banquet by having their creations on the tables.


November 8, 2024 – Idea and entry form email due

December 2, 2024 – Classrooms will have been contacted with the address of where to send

February 18, 2025 – Table decorations due in Alaska