Blynne Froke 2012 Teacher on the Trail

Skwentna Station

Arriving in Skwentna was kind of abrupt and an opportunity for a workout.  The pilot delivered me to an empty airfield.  He pointed out the trail and said it was about half a mile.  Well, it was more like a mile, though some in the checkpoint said it was two.  Anyway I got a great …

Track Me Down

I have been out taking pictures and petting dogs and watching the excitement level rise.  The first mushers will head out in about 15 minutes and the last minute preps are in full swing.  I thought I would give you a quick look at how you will be able to follow the your favorite musher …

Mush with a Smile

VERY early morning start.  It is the restart out in Willow and somebody has to be the first one there and I rode with one of the first and that means leaving Anchorage at 3:30 AM.  A short nap on the floor near the library, then up and stashed all my gear behind the stage …

The Ceremonial Start

Wow! What a morning!  It started pretty warm (27 degrees) and snowy and warmer and snowier it got.  The Ceremonial Start on 4th Ave. is a very festive affair and everyone is out in their best Alaskan attire, everything from the matched, latest tech suit to furs and wolf head hats.  The excitement is contagious …

Snowed In

That term “snowed in” means so many things in so many other places.  It is kind of relative term.  In Alaska it means cut off, completely out of touch with the outside world.  Thank goodness for today satellite phones so we can at least get a message to someone.  Just think, not so many years …

Blynne Froke, 2012 Teacher on the Trail update

Just as every day here in Alaska around Iditarod time is packed with excitement and interest, yesterday was too.  The vet check in the morning was an amazing experience.  Mushers bring their dogs to Iditarod Headquarters in Wasilla to be examined and certified healthy by a TEAM of veterinarians before heading out on the trail.  …


Well, I REALLY got on the trail this weekend and have just now returned!  Sorry for my absence. The Junior Iditarod was definitely an experience that will take far more than one or two posts to cover, but I will give it a start.  The kids, the dogs, the weather, the amazing spirit of volunteerism …

Watch Out Future!

Are you tired of hearing comments about youth today claiming that they have lost focus, are horribly self-centered or just unproductive?  Well those people should have been at the Iditarod Headquarters tonight to watch the Jr. Iditarod Musher’s meeting.  These young people, ages 14-17, manage and care for their own team of dogs and have …

Just By Chance

Sometimes you make stops along the way and there is nothing particularly special to notice, but today was not one of those days.  It seemed that today was not one of those days.  On our way out to Willow School to do a couple presentations we stopped at Vern Halter’s Dream a Dream to take …

A Snowy Day

It has been snowing most of the day.  I know that for most of you that is no big thing, but for a kid from California it really is pretty cool!  I am lucky to have a driver that was a Wisconsin Driver’s Ed teacher, so we pretty much just keep going regardless of the …