Blynne Froke 2012 Teacher on the Trail
Imagining and accepting a challenge is admirable, inspiring and exciting, but making it actually happen is another challenge. Making it happen takes work. The bigger the challenge, the harder the work, and to make the work manageable; to really get it done, you need a plan. Four-time Iditarod Champion, Martin Buser, reminds us that “the …
An exciting and productive life demands both short and long term goals. Two pieces of advice I received recently have helped form a new short term goal for me that I would like to share with you. After reading maybe you will share yours with me. Jon Van Zyle shared an experience from his childhood, …
The champions of the Iditarod are true icons. They embody the enormous accomplishment that we aspire to within our own individual passions. We look at them and we see success. Although these amazing examples inspire us, we often feel very small around them, as though we could never do what they do because, after all, …
Hello all and welcome back – It is that time of year when we plan, plan, plan, but often lose sight of the real first step, which is imagining the goal. A favorite quote of mine is by Albert Einstein – “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” If you cannot imagine something, you cannot accomplish …
Perspective is a funny thing. It is both a physical and mental location. It is one of my constant challenges as a beginning artist and the more time I spend with it the more I realize how big a part it plays in our daily and professional lives. Our point of view on any subject, …
Up until a year ago I couldn’t draw. It was not for lack of wanting and wishing. I just couldn’t. I did the standard stick people or a flower now and then, but even those were deformed. I remember always being thrilled to go to a friend’s house when I was a kid and find …
The Iditarod Books the Trail program has been running for several years now. Schools in the lower 48 and others team up with sister schools along the race trail to deliver much needed books to these remote schools. Recently the Anchorage Public Library has joined our efforts so that even more books can be enjoyed …
Though in MOST situations you should think about your actions before you do them, sometimes the most important thing is NOT to think about it – just DO IT. I had one of those experiences yesterday and it taught me a great deal. I have never flown in a bush plane, or anything that small …
Our last day at camp was bitter sweet. We all went Shannon Keene’s house to experience first hand authentic artifacts of the Inupiaq people. Shannon taught for many years in Kotzebue and had collected many special items. She also has a keen eye for the authentic versus the “for tourist items.” Everything from clothing, to …
Taking puppies for a walk at Dream a Dream Dog Farm was one of the highlights of this trip. It was worth noting though, so you don’t trip and fall, that the roots of the trees are rise and fall at the surface of the ground making for a beautiful, though sometimes treacherous, sojourn. tree …