Arriving in Alaska Feeling Thankful ~ by Kathy Thompson

Paw Print:  Anchorage, Alaska (scenic tour and relationship building)

Exploration Feeling ~ Day One = Thankful

As I arrived to Anchorage, I realized how thankful and excited I am to have made it this far in my journey toward my Alaska adventure.  I am thankful for my colleagues and principals that supported me over the years and allowing me to teach classes about the Iditarod and Alaskan culture.  Thankful to my family who continues to unselfishly encourage me to try new experiences.  Lastly, thankful for this opportunity to step outside my comfort zone and lead by example.  The beautiful reality of coastal Alaska fascinated me as we landed in Anchorage.  The realization of what this upcoming week holds for me both personally and professionally was a powerful moment.  I realized that my life is going to forever change.  My relationships, perceptions and self confidence is going to grow this week.  It began today with an introduction to an amazing team of experienced Iditarod professionals that we have been communicating with since the beginning of January.  I could see the passion and pride for the Iditarod in this brief meeting.  It was contagious and worth catching.  

I am also very thankful for the two amazing Teacher on the Trail finalists that I met since arriving.  Cindy and Juli are awe inspiring as educators in their specialty.   I am learning so much from their expertise and history of how they also arrived on this journey with me.  This experience has brought together three educators that normally would never have a reason to meet each other.  However, all three of us are here with a common energy to better ourselves and our profession.  

I discovered today that the incredible Alaska scenery is very similar to people.  They both give you a little glimpse of a moment that you can be thankful for.  I can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds for me.

Arriving in Alaska

Alaska coastline





Teacher on the Trail Finalists

Teacher on the Trail Finalists ~ Road Trip