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Step by Step

 Imagining and accepting a challenge is admirable, inspiring and exciting, but making it actually happen is another challenge.  Making it happen takes work.  The bigger the challenge, the harder the work, and to make the work manageable; to really get it done, you need a plan.  Four-time Iditarod Champion, Martin Buser, reminds us that “the …

Word Processing and Iditarod

As a sixth grade English/language arts teacher, one of my responsibilities is to teach students word processing. By sixth grade, most students are familiar with the mouse, the delete button on the keyboard, and have a general idea of where the letters are on the keyboard. Formatting a document, though, is something they usually aren’t …

Coordinates for Your Sled–The Math Trail

GPS—how did we get anywhere without it! Enter your destination and drive to it! No map unfolding and refolding—map refolding is challenging—it never ends up the way it looked before it was used. GPS directs us to locations using coordinates that map the world. Latitude, longitude, number lines, space, spheres. Coordinates plot points on graphs, …

Dogs, Dogs, Dogs

Enjoy the dog pictures! These super athletes live at Dream a Dream Dog Farm or the Van Zyle’s kennel. Mouse over the picture for more information. I met Aurora three years ago when she was a pup. Now, she’s running as a wheel dog. Answer this question–where is Aurora in the team lineup, if she’s …

Iditarod Education Committee Selects Martha Dobson

Wasilla Alaska – (May 13, 2010) – Martha Dobson, Mount Pleasant, North Carolina, has been selected as the Target® 2011 Iditarod Teacher on the Trail™. Martha Dobson, an educator at Mount Pleasant Middle School, North Carolina, teaches sixth grade English and Language Arts.  Martha’s prophetic choice of a Gary Paulsen novel to teach her students, …

Cassandra Wilson Announced as 2002 Teacher on the Trail

Website Announcement: April 2002 The Iditarod Trail Committee is pleased to announce the selection of Cassandra Wilson, a fourth grade teacher from Applegate Elementary School in Portland, Oregon as the 2003 Teacher on the Trail™ . The Teacher on the Trail™ program is part of Wells Fargo’s sponsorship of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. …

“Finney” – Andrea Aufder Heyde, First Teacher on the Trail™, 1999

“FINNEY”  FIRST TEACHER ON THE TRAIL 1999 Finney shared her vision for the Iditarod Teacher on the Trail program with Iditarod which became a reality in 1998 and 1999. Andrea Aufder-Heyde (Finney), a second grade teacher in Bloomington, Indiana had a dream and this year that dream is going to come true. Finney has been …