
libby6Libby here!

Hello everyone!  Just in case you don’t know who I am, my name is Libby.  Libby Littles.  I am a reporter for the Iditarod.

It is September and most of you are back in school.  I hope you had a fun summer.

Your school year is going to be fun this year because you are going to learn about a big race in Alaska.  That race is called Iditarod.  The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race starts in March each year.  What’s really cool about this race is that dogs pull a sled and a person rides on a sled by standing behind the sled on runners. 

Have you ever been a passenger on a sled?  Think for a moment what it was like to ride on the sled.  Did the sled go fast or did the sled go slow?

The sleds in the Iditarod don’t have passengers, well, unless a dog needs a ride.  The sleds carry supplies.

I’ve include a picture of a dog sled for you to look at. 

That’s all for now!

Just spinning some ‘de-tales’.


Sled packing at the Willow restart