Libby Littles
Libby Here! Iditarod 2012 marked the 40th running of Iditarod! The first Iditarod Champion was Dick Wilmarth. Dick won the race in 20 days, 49 minutes, and 41 seconds. That was back in 1973. Dick was a miner and a trapper from Red Devil, Alaska. He was born in 1942. Dick’s lead dog’s name was …
Libby Here! The start of a new school year is a time to get together with old friends and it is a good time to meet new friends! I wanted you to meet a friend of mine! Her name is Linda Fenton and she is the 2013 Iditarod Teacher on the Trail™. Linda is from …
Libby Here! Listen to this great question! “Do they ever get lost?” The Iditarod Trail is a marked trail. People on snowmobiles— or snowmachines which is what they are called in Alaska, travel the race trail before the mushers and make sure that the trail markers are in place. The markers are sticks with a …
Libby Here! Ms. Thompson’s class asked, “Is there criteria for the dogs?” Criteria is a set of characteristics or traits that need to be met. Yes. There is a set of criteria for the dogs. The dogs have to be healthy and have passed their medical exams that are given right before the start of …