Show and Tell

Iditarod in the Classroom: Then and Now

By Kathy Kelly *More than 30 years ago, educator Kathy Kelly recognized that the Iditarod was an engaging theme to hook students into reading, writing, and math.  Kathy wrote an article for the Learning Magazine.  A discussion between the magazine’s editor and Joanne Potts resulted in a suggestion and Iditarod providing the first ‘teacher’s tool’ …

Around the World: Iditarod: Kindergarten in Germany

Charlee Stevens, Educational Journalist, Germany Things you need to know: I teach Kindergarten on a military base in Germany. I have 25 children in class.  They range from non-readers to about level 6 in DRA. My class is run as a company where each child has a job and gets a daily wage.  They get …