Return Dog Blankets Program



Iditarod 2025

Calling all classrooms! Our students are the biggest fans and supporters of the race, especially of the dogs!  The Iditarod Return Dog Team is in need of 500 fleece dog blankets to be used at checkpoints AND to have on hand for dogs returned to Anchorage during the race.  While the dogs are being cared for on their way home from the trail, the Return Dog Team uses these dog blankets as an extra layer of comfort and warmth which the dogs athletes can snuggle under when needed.  If you would like to volunteer for the 2025 race from afar, making blankets to allow our furry athletes to stay warm might be a way you’d like to help!  Here is a lesson that explains the who, what, where, why, and when, of  returned dogs:

Returned Dogs by 2018 Teacher on the Trail Heidi Sloan

 These blankets are very simple to make.

blanket, sleeping, dog

Happily and Warmly Sleeping

  • The size should be a square at least 1 yd. x 1 yd. and no bigger than 40″ x 40″.  Make this a math lesson – convertingbetween standard units, converting between standard and metric, using the symbols instead of the word inches, what is the perimeter and area of the blankets you are making, how much material do you need to make 1 blanket or more, what will the total cost be, what is the cost per blanket…..and on and on and on!
    • Some of our spirited athletes look at the fringes as something to be chewed on, therefore fringe-style blankets are not allowed. 
  • Our vets say that most blankets rest on the dogs and the dog moves it around and puts it where it wants it to be. So, no head or leg holes are necessary.
  • Suggested minimum of 5 blanket donations per teacher/classroom.
  • These are required to be in Alaska at headquarters by January 11, 2025 to be able to be shipped out on time on the trail.  If blankets arrive later than that, then there is no guarantee they will be used.

Be creative.  Use light fleece – any color, any pattern.  And your students could sign their names, draw pictures and designs, or write encouraging messages on the blankets. YES!  The Return Dog Handlers, Veterinarians, and Volunteers actually read these messages.

We have little storage space, so please do not make and send blankets without being added to the list and confirmed as a donor.  If you are interested in contributing blankets for the 2025 race, please click on this link, 2025 Iditarod Return Dog Blanket Program

 Thank you in advance! 

If you have any questions, please contact