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In the History Books

The 2014 Junior Iditarod officially concluded tonight with the Junior Iditarod Awards Banquet.  The juniors graciously accepted their awards and prizes and thanked their families and sponsors.  The prize committee worked exceptionally hard this year and the kids earned a variety of scholarships and awards totaling in the neighborhood of $17,000. I always tell my …

The Juniors Have a Starting Order!

What do GPS Trackers, trail markers, pizza, trail stakes, dog tags, race bibs, pictures, and dog booties have in common?  They all had featured roles in tonight’s Junior Iditarod meeting. After sharing some pizza, signing some autographs, and having some pictures taken, the juniors got started on their final meeting before hitting the trail tomorrow …

The Jr. Rookies Are One Step Closer

How better to learn about your passion then to hear from someone who has been in your shoes and has become an expert in the same area? This evening the Junior Iditarod Rookie Mushers had a meeting where they got to do just that.  They got to hear from experts in the field about the …

Meet Tikaani!

I finally got to pet my first sled dog of this trip! Meet Tikanni.  Tikaani means “wolf” in Ahtna Athabascan.  She is a village sled dog from Aniak, Alaska who is living and working in Wasilla at the Dorothy G. Page Museum.  She is training to be a lead sled dog, but she is also …

Petchup or Muttstardt?

As you probably know, we were thrilled to be able to announce to all of our followers that our favorite musher Monica Zappa had gotten a new sponsor:  Petchup.  LINK So my kids were really intrigued by the whole idea of ketchup and mustard for dogs.  We knew that Monica was experimenting to find out …

The Sleeping Bag Patch

One thing that each Iditarod Teacher on the Trail™ is required to do is to create a patch for inclusion on the official Teacher on the Trail sleeping bag. You can learn more about this tradition and the sleeping bag here: LINK I decided a long time ago, that this was going to be a …

What’s Your Angle?

What do you call an angle that is adorable? Acute angle! This week we are all about angles in math class! This is a new skill for us… it appears in the new version of our math book, and is something we haven’t taught before. So, I started by thinking of where on earth I …

Just How Cold is it in Maryland?

Well – at one point yesterday it was colder in Oakland, Maryland than the South Pole!   At one point it was – 15⁰ in Western Maryland and -7⁰ at the South Pole! In Baltimore, we didn’t get quite as cold as the South Pole, but we did beat Alaska! For the first time, on our …

Tracking the Weather

“How cold is it going to be in Alaska when you are there?” is the question I seem to be asked most often these days. I decided to get my students started on the task of tracking the weather in Alaska and comparing it to what is going on here in Baltimore.  We are creating …

The Adventures of the Traveling Quilt

We have been fortunate enough to host one of the Iditarod Traveling Quilts for the first month of school.  The Traveling Quilt program began when the first quilt was created in 2005 and since then has grown to 11 quilts that zig zag the world bringing the race and its ideals to more than one …