
Relationship Building ~ by Kathy Thompson

Paw Prints  = Anchorage ~ Lakefront Hotel (Iditarod Teacher Conference Day 1) Exploration Feeling ~ Day Three = Brighter Today was our first day at the Iditarod Teacher Conference.  It felt rewarding to know some of the lessons shared have already been exposed to my students.  I felt excited to know that there are still …

Iditarod Math Warmup – Boardwalk and Wildlife, Hidden Math Gems by Cindy Emmons

Welcome to Potter Marsh Wildlife Viewing Boardwalk! Nature is quiet on a snowy day at the end of February.  Remembering nature is present in all seasons is the job of this amazing boardwalk.  The boardwalk has many informational boards describing the wildlife that lives in this marsh.  Pick your grade level (or close to it) …

Mathematical Reasoning and Critical Thinking ~ by Kathy Thompson

Paw Print = Anchorage ~ Potter Marsh Wildlife Viewing Boardwalk Exploration Feeling ~ Day Two = Reflective Today we traveled to the Potter Marsh Wildlife located at the southern end of the Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge with Sara Lamont.  My head was spinning with a ton of math ideas as I looked at each angle …

It All Adds Up…To Extraordinary Learning! – By Juli Westrich

Today’s adventure took us out to the Potter Marsh Wildlife Viewing Boardwalk to witness the most incredible landscape and immerse ourselves in natural beauty.  Interestingly, the marsh is a result of human intervention in the Alaskan landscape.  The construction of the Alaska Railroad required an embankment, cutting off smaller creeks and the marsh was born.  …

Arriving in Alaska Feeling Thankful ~ by Kathy Thompson

Paw Print:  Anchorage, Alaska (scenic tour and relationship building) Exploration Feeling ~ Day One = Thankful As I arrived to Anchorage, I realized how thankful and excited I am to have made it this far in my journey toward my Alaska adventure.  I am thankful for my colleagues and principals that supported me over the …

Gettting to the Starting Line – By Juli Westrich

I’ve been dreaming of Alaska and the Iditarod for more than a decade but getting to the starting line of any great adventure takes time, effort, energy, training, perseverance, and more than a little positive thinking.  Finally, it all came together and I was ready for the experience of a lifetime. It was time to …

Mushing, Travel Day and Positive Attitudes! by Cindy Emmons

Traveling, mushing and suitcases…Day 1 When you arrive at a new destination it is common that people ask you how your flight was.  How was your travel day?  I always take that question like I have to share something that went wrong.  Did I hit traffic going to the airport?  No. Was my flight delayed …

2023 Iditarod Teacher on the Trail Finalists Announced

Each year teachers from around the world apply for the Iditarod Teacher on the Trail position.  The process is long and complex starting with a portfolio submission, due December 1,  which includes showcase lessons, experiences and background that are helpful to performing the tasks of the Teacher on the Trail, letters of support from districts …