Social Emotional Learning

Turn and Face the Change –!

Change is hard. It is also the one true constant in life. Although we often wish to hang onto the present, the comfortable, the expected, the known –  it is inevitable that time will pass, and we will need to adapt to new seasons, people, places, and situations. Change can be monumental, like adjusting to …

SEL Snack: Thanks Mom!

Mother’s Day is just around the corner and elementary kids are busy creating paper posies and coupon books to let the “Mom” in their life know how much they are loved. You’ll notice I put the “Mom” in quotes, as this day has evolved to rightfully incorporate not just biological mothers, but any important female …

We All Get What We Need in Equal Measure

Iditarod dog teams provide a perfect opportunity to discuss the difference between equality and equity with our students.  Dog Teams consist of diverse personalities all working toward a goal.  Much like a dog team, the classroom is a group made up of individuals, all of whom need different supports to be their very best.  Some …

Classroom Community Restart!

Educators devote an enormous amount of effort into creating a positive, supportive classroom community. The beginning of the year is dedicated to establishing norms and expectations so that every student feels included and supported. Integrated into the curriculum is identity work, emotional regulation strategies, lessons on collaboration, respect, and consideration, and reminders to make responsible …

Turn On the Lights!

Late January is a difficult time of year; all of the bright holiday lights have come down as the snow, slush, and cold have settled in, and any sign of spring is too far away to see. Finding a way through this long stretch is possible, especially when we focus on the inner light that …

SEL Snack: New Year’s Resolution – Be Kind

January 1st. The New Year is a time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. It is a day of potential – a strange sort of limbo where anything is possible in the coming year. Resolutions are made with the hope that in two months…six months…nine months we will be fitter, …

Barriers to Entry

I’ve been wrapping presents this week and, as a busy mom, that sometimes includes wrapping my own gifts. While sorting and organizing it became clear that the theme of my holiday is “winter weather gear.”  I wrapped, and will unwrap, liner gloves, Smartwool socks, three sets of base layer long underwear, two mid layer wool …

SEL Snack: Representation Matters

Crossing the finish line in the early morning hours of March 15, 2022, Brent Sass was crowned champion of the 50th Iditarod. I immediately texted my oldest daughter to let her know “her musher” had won the Iditarod. My family became Iditarod Insiders a decade ago and each year we each select one musher to …

NOT In It To Win It

I run, but I’m not competitive and I don’t always enjoy it. I started running pretty late in life, as a new mom who wanted to return to her pre-baby pants size and not be out of breath climbing the stairs to grab a diaper. Running worked for me because I could squeeze in 2 …

Who Pulls the Sled?

Iditarod is where dogs run the race, but the race runs on volunteers. This is a pretty bold statement, one I made in a post earlier this month, and I stand by it. I’m not alone in recognizing that the volunteers are the heroes of the Iditarod. The mushers are aware that their ability to …