Statistics and Probability
With the way school is working while we gear up for the 2021 Iditarod Race, many of the tried and true staples of our Iditarod curriculums aren’t going to work the way they always have. In some ways, this will help push us to find new and possibly better ways to do things. For years, …
Kate Abernathy shared this activity she created for her 10th – 12th grade Probability and Statistics classes. You may never look at first place and red lantern winners quite the same way again! Grades 10-12 Probability and Statistics *The teachers who attended the 2015 Iditarod Summer Camp for Teachers have returned to their classrooms renewed, …
Use the statistics in this packet for math lessons. (PDF Booklet) The GPS Tracker will also give information on the length of the trail. Learn about the GPS Tracker and Iditarod Insider. The GPS Tracker is only in service during the race. Miles from Checkpoint to Checkpoint: You will often hear that The Last Great Race® …