Zoom Lens – Russian makes Nome

With a stiff wind at his back, Mikhail Telpin and eleven Chukchi huskies made the burled arch.  Wind driven snow was swirling down the street and around the chute. The Chukchi stopped a few feet short of the burled arch but in order to finish, the nose of the lead dog must cross under the arch. Mikhail urged them on but with all the spectators blocking their way, the Chukchi didn’t seem to understand. Telpin walked forward and led the leaders under the arch – the time 10:27 and his place was 50th. Telpins dogs are working dogs, he uses them for trapping and transportation. They are strong dogs, used to harsh weather. They seemed comfortable under the arch and thought it might be time to curl up and catch a nap. This is what they’re used to doing in their everyday life with Mikhail.