Zoom Lens – Best Friends in Nome

It’s just about high noon and Jim Lanier drives his team down Front Street to the burled arch. He was met by his wife Anna and their son Jimmy. Jimmy came into the shoot a little out of breath as he’d done double duty. He’d gone down the road about half a mile to catch his dad and team as they climbed the ramp off the Bering Sea up onto Front Street. Then it was a foot race between Jimmy and the dogs to get to the burled arch. Jimmy won, getting there in time to hug and congratulate his dad on completing his sixteenth Iditarod. Lanier’s leaders are still best friends after running through every type of trail condition possible on the route to Nome.  These dogs are from a litter of 13.  They named each of the dogs for a month of the year and the 13th dog was named Bee.  April, a female, is wearing the red harness and October, a male, is wearing the blue Harness.  Bee is further back in the team.