Zoom Lens – Lights, Camera, Action!

Sunday March 3rd and one might think all the action is taking place on Willow Lake in preparation for the restart at 14:00. True, there’s been plenty going on there since well before sunrise but there’s plenty of action in every checkpoint on this side of the Alaska Range. There are a lot of man/woman hours that are going into preparing for the arrival of the mushers later on Sunday evening and early Monday morning.

The River Crew has the has prepared an area the size of three football fields for the mushers to park and rest their teams. The Skwentna Sweeties will have warm steamy lemon scented face clothes for each musher as they come in the Outback Cabin followed by delicious Sweetie Pie and fresh out of the oven caramel rolls. The communications link between the checkpoint computer sitting on the old Singer Sewing Machine and Race Stats at the Anchorage Millennium.

There’s lots of action out at Iditarod checkpoints and plenty of cameras are capturing it. Lights? It’s the big one in the sky shining through a few thin clouds.

 Born to Run,
