Zoom Lens – OME Passengers

My trip here from Unalakleet was via Cessna 180 in severe clear. Severe clear is the term used to describe a sky that is completely cloudless and intensely blue. Our mission was to pick up dropped dogs from Elim and transport them and me to Nome. At one point during the incredibly beautiful flight, I asked Bill, the pilot, how far we could actually see. To me it seemed that from our altitude of 2,800 feet we could see over the top of the world. Bill thought it was about 30 or 40 miles. Flying with sled dogs is quite remarkable. Somehow they figure out that they best be on their best behavior while in the confines of the bush plane and so they are. We had three dogs on board today. One sat statue like for about half the flight then snuggled in with the other two who were curled up sleeping behind the front seats. Not a woof, not a bark, not a whimper out of our three passengers!  By the way, OME is the three letter code for Nome.

Born To Run,
