
Tales From the Trail: Iditarod Dogs in DC

News Flash:  Three dogs destined for the Inaugural Parade were stolen from the Maryland Farm where they were staying.  Joe Redington Sr.’s lead dog Feets and his faithful Candy who made it to Nome 7 times and carried Redington to the top of Mt. MKinley are two of the missing.  Norman Vaughan’s leader was also …

Tales (and Tails) from the Trail

Since my school year has officially begun, (I have been at inservice training the past two days),  I wanted to take a minute to tell you about my plans for the year and the blog, and let you know some ways that you can join me on this amazing journey by dogsled! One of the …

Trail Jobs

The countdown is on… I don’t know about you, but I have seventeen days until I have to return to school to start my in-service training.  In some ways I’m really excited – it’s going to be an AMAZING year. In some ways, I wish I could hold on to summer just a little longer! …


I have been yearning for an Iditarod Monopoly game for several years now. Then I started seeing all of the Homeworkopoly games on Pinterest… and I really wanted to combine that with the Iditarod Monopoly game. I searched Ebay every couple of weeks or so… but they were always going for close to $100. Then …

Musher Assessment Form

In order to enter the Iditarod, a rookie musher must meet a set of qualifications that includes having completed a number qualifying races.  Added in 2014, the mushers must also have a Musher Assessment Form completed for each of those qualifiers.  More details can be found here: Well… in my mind… a Musher Assessment …

Going to the Dogs!

If you are anything like me, even though you are on summer vacation, your mind is always going and going and going and you are always thinking of things to do to make your classroom more welcoming and more inviting for your students. It’s safe to say that in the last two years my classroom …

Cooling Down

Alaska is having super hot temperatures this summer.  Everyone keeps commenting about how hot it is and there is a big concern about possible wildfires.  As you can imagine, sled dogs would much rather have it be cold than hot…. so how do sled dogs cool off when it’s hot?  Well, in addition to their …

Hello Texas!

The 2013 Winter Conference for Educators is now officially underway.  Teachers and presenters are gathered here from Alaska and the Lower 48 states.  New for the conference this year is presenter Barbara Cargill who is the chair of the State Board of Education in Texas.  Barbara is committed to Science curriculum in her state, and …

Triangle Poem

A Triangle Poem is a quick, easy poem students of any age can do.  The first line of the poem states the subject and an action.  Line two describes the action and the third line tells where the action takes place.  Ava’s poem in the picture is about the dogs on the Iditarod trail; some …

Choose A Musher

As the Iditarod Race quickly approaches (27 Days 6 Hours 26 Minutes  48 Seconds and counting so the clock at tells me) it is time to choose a musher.  There are a few different ways to do this.  The classrooms at my school – including the kitchen staff, office staff, custodian, and aides – …