Measurement and Data
When I returned home from the 2023 Iditarod multiple people asked, “What surprised you the most about your time in Alaska?” I know they expected comments about the cold, or the wildlife, or the dog teams. My actual answer isn’t flashy or shocking. The biggest surprise was the vastness of the remote Alaskan wilderness. Imagine …
Iditarod dog teams provide a perfect opportunity to discuss the difference between equality and equity with our students. Dog Teams consist of diverse personalities all working toward a goal. Much like a dog team, the classroom is a group made up of individuals, all of whom need different supports to be their very best. Some …
Jodi Bailey wrote a post in her kennel’s blog about the numbers in her drop bags for Iditarod. Drop bags are what mushers pack in advance of the race and send out to the race checkpoints so they have a supply of gear, dog food, and people food during the race. This post on Dew …
The data generated by the Last Great Race lends itself to graphing lesson upon graphing lesson upon graphing lesson! In this lesson, students will first create a bar graph to compare the population of checkpoints along the Fairbanks route. They will then also investigate the changes in population of Nenana and Nome as they continue to …