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Tales From the Trail: Iditarod Dogs in DC

News Flash:  Three dogs destined for the Inaugural Parade were stolen from the Maryland Farm where they were staying.  Joe Redington Sr.’s lead dog Feets and his faithful Candy who made it to Nome 7 times and carried Redington to the top of Mt. MKinley are two of the missing.  Norman Vaughan’s leader was also …

Harnessing the Team

Honor, Integrity, Respect, Humility, Excellence These are the cornerstones of my school’s character development program, and this year it is headed to the dogs, along with pretty much everything else! Our guidance counselor, Laura Jordan, has come up with a great way to get our whole school (Team Greyhound – we are the home of …

Tales from the Trail: Meet Monica Zappa

One day a guy goes into a store to buy something and pulls out his dog bootie wallet to pay.  The girl at the counter immediately thinks he must be a musher and that he has a really great bootie… errr… wallet…. They start chatting… and the rest is history. This year my class is …

Tales (and Tails) from the Trail

Since my school year has officially begun, (I have been at inservice training the past two days),  I wanted to take a minute to tell you about my plans for the year and the blog, and let you know some ways that you can join me on this amazing journey by dogsled! One of the …


I have been yearning for an Iditarod Monopoly game for several years now. Then I started seeing all of the Homeworkopoly games on Pinterest… and I really wanted to combine that with the Iditarod Monopoly game. I searched Ebay every couple of weeks or so… but they were always going for close to $100. Then …

Academic Purpose: Iditarod in the Classroom

  For information on the value of Iditarod Insider as a tool in the classroom and information about Iditarod Experiential Learning Programs, visit the following link to view PowerPoint presentations: PowerPoint: Iditarod Insider as a Tool in the Classroom   Iditarod Insider is a valuable teaching tool that can be used to enhance your current …

Academic Purpose: Iditarod Experiential Learning Program

The Iditarod Experiential Learning Project (IELP!) Are you leading your school into the next revolution in education? Do you want to be on the forefront of a new, exciting experience that enhances the way curriculum is presented to students?  Follow the above link to learn more! Iditarod Insider is a Valuable Tool for Experiential Learning …

Compare Alaska’s Symbols

The school year is gearing up. For students in my class, it will be the beginning of our Iditarod adventure together. I’m going to start with the attached lesson plan comparing State Symbols of Wisconsin and Alaska. Being that it is the beginning of the year, I plan to ask one question each day starting …

I Just Can’t Wait !!!

This month I have extended some of my previous themes.  As we get closer to the start of the Iditarod and get more excited I keep thinking about the amazing sled dog!    I have included this month another Math Vignette for January, along with a lesson on Gait Patterns for young and old alike.  I …

Time to Pick a Musher

Hope your holidays are revving up smoothly for what, in my house, is a joyous energy explosion. The starting line up of mushers is pretty much set by now.  There are 70 this year!  It is definitely time to start checking them out, picking our favorites, checking percentages – male/female, rookie/veteran and so on.  Many …