The 40th Iditarod, Iditarod 2012


Woof, woof, howl — Hello to you,  Boys and Girls!

When Iditarod begins in downtown Anchorage on March 3, 2012, it will be the 40th running of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race®!  Isn’t that amazing?

40 years is a LONG time!  I’m not even 40 years old!  Are you?

Well Boys and Girls, I’m putting out a ’40 year challenge’ for you to participate in this school year!

I’m challenging you to research and discover what you can learn  about the 40 year’s of history of the Iditarod  and the history from the last 40 years in your own school, community, or state.

Create timelines, reports, short stories, poetry, skits, drawings, or other projects to show what you learned about Iditarod’s history and/or the history of the area you chose.  Make comparisons.  Draw conclusions. Predict the future.

You could even email me what you’ve learned and I’ll put it on the website.  It would be so ‘mush’ fun to see everyone’s projects!

To help you with Iditarod’s history, watch for information on the website.   We will soon  begin to share tidbits from the past and provide you with areas on the website to help you learn about the past.

Check our our book list and discover great resources to help you!

AND, check back here, at Zuma’s Paw Prints, because I’ll be giving you information to recap the last 40 years of Iditarod’s history!

So, Boys and Girls, 40 is the magic number this year!  Think 40!  Are you ready to get started?  Let me hear you howl about it!

Lots of Tail wags,


PS…  Attention teachers:  Woof, woof, woof–  Howling out a thanks to the person who emailed about some details that needed attention in articles.  We need and welcome many eyes to help this be a good reading tool for your students.  If you are interested in volunteering your time to help proof read, please send an email …. Our paws get tired, and so do our eyes!  So thanks so ‘mush’ for any special attention you can send our way!  Zuma, Libby, Sanka, and Gypsy.