
Use Your Fingers

Here is a cute, easy project for elementary students.  These dog teams were made using thumb and index fingerprints.  The sled is clip art.  Students added legs, facial features, and a gangline.  The idea for this piece of artwork was created by my friend and colleague, Missy Durrant.  Students in her class each made one …

Triangle Poem

A Triangle Poem is a quick, easy poem students of any age can do.  The first line of the poem states the subject and an action.  Line two describes the action and the third line tells where the action takes place.  Ava’s poem in the picture is about the dogs on the Iditarod trail; some …

Aurora Borealis

I love it when on that rare occasion I start a project with my class, finish it, and actually get a bulletin board up on the same day.  That happened Friday with my lesson on the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights.  Explaining the Aurora can be as simple or as complicated as you want to …

Art Project: Iditarod Traveling Quilt – The Virtual Quilt

Join us for a Virtual Adventure!  Design a Quilt Square.  Submit your quilt square via Internet and be a part of a quilt that wraps planet earth — Idita Style!  Design and create your own quilt square(s).  Take a digital image of the quilt square.  Send it to us and we’ll add it to the …

Yupik Art Project

Yupik Art Project for Classrooms! Educational Journalist, Joy Davis, of Indiana engaged her students in an art project involving Yupik heritage.  Her basic skills class sponsors Mike Williams, Jr. who is a Yupik Eskimo.  To learn more about the culture the class did some reading and research.  Please refer to the follow site for more …

Iditarod Logo Cross Stitch Project

In an ‘Iditarod’ classroom, students are always busy on a variety of projects throughout the year. Classroom teacher,  Diane Pollock, integrates Iditarod and sled dogs into her curriculum in many ways.  In past years, Diane worked with another teacher, Mary Owsley, (FACE) on a project that resulted in students creating book markers with the ‘I …

Art: Create a Design: Iditarod Patch: A Project to Remember

By Sally Simon  It all started with a patch. The patch was Cathy Walter’s Target® Iditarod 2009 Teacher on the Trail™ patch.  It was sitting on my desk at school after I returned from the Winter Teacher’s Conference in Anchorage.   A second grade student saw it and asked about it.  I explained the tradition started …

Iditarod Art Exhibit

Join us for an Iditarod Art Exhibit! Create an art project.  Take digital images of the project and email the image. The art work will be a part of our Virtual Art Show! Get out your sketch pad, your markers, paint, crayons, or chalk. Sculpt, create, build, and design.  It’s time for you to get …

Build a Better Sled: Saran Wrap Sculptures

These are the sculpture that my Art Foundations students created. The sculpture was created using some Saran Wrap and Scotch Plastic Packing Tape.  Extra support was added with the help of plastic drinking straws and  aluminum wire, the dogs eyes are blue glass beads and the gangline was made with strings of Christmas tree lights …

It All Starts as a Rookie

The champions of the Iditarod are true icons.  They embody the enormous accomplishment that we aspire to within our own individual passions.  We look at them and we see success.  Although these amazing examples inspire us, we often feel very small around them, as though we could never do what they do because, after all, …