Father and Son Arrive Together

[Gallery not found]This morning around 9 AM I ventured out on the ice at the edge of town to watch for Martin Buser and Rohn Buser that were due to come in soon.  When they came into view, they appeared to be moving rather quickly, one behind the other.  The dogs looked great as they climbed the hill to Front St.  Once they were on Front St., they stopped just long enough to hook the sleds together so that they crossed under the arch together and tied for 18th place.  As a parent, I can only imagine what an amazing trip that must have been.

Normally, there are no loose dogs at the finish line, but the Buser dogs were so energetic that they were ready to get back on the trail.  One call from Martin, though, and rounded them up to be petted and treated by all.

They were ready to go again, and so am I.
