March 10 Update


Hi Boys and Girls,

WOW!  Jeff King and Aliy Zirkle arrived into White Mountain less than an hour apart.  They need to stay at White Mountain for 8 hours.  Jeff can leave at 15:02 Alaskan time and Aliy can leave at 15:59 Alaskan time. Then it’s only 77 miles to Nome?  Who do you think will cross the finish line first and what time do you predict?  My prediction is that we will probably have a winner for tomorrow mornings update. 

Today’s update:

DATE:  March 10, 2014

TIME:  13:05


1.Jeff King

2.Aliy Zirkle

3.Dallas Seavey

4.Mitch Seavey

5.Martin Buser

WHERE ARE THE MUSHERS:  Jeff, Aliy, Dallas and Mitch are all resting in White Mountain.  Martin and 4 other teams have left Elim and are on their way to White Mountain. 4 teams are in Elim, 2 team are out of Koyuk. There are 8 teams in Koyuk. There are 4 teams out of Shaktoolik, 1 team is in Shaktoolik, 7 teams have left Unalakleet, 4 teams are in Unalakleet, 6 teams have left Kaltag, 5 teams are in Nulato, 3 teams are out of Galena,

RED LANTERN POSITION: Elliot Anderson who has left Galena.

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR POSITION: Abbe West who is currently in 20th position and is in Koyuk.

WEATHER:   The weather in White Mountain is 4 degrees and fair.The weather in Elim is 0 degrees and fair, The weather in Koyuk is -2, The weather in Shaktoolik is -3 degrees and is fair and windy, The weather in Unalakleet is 1 degree, The weather in Kaltag is 0 degrees and fair. The weather in Galena is -8 degrees and fair.



QUESTION OF THE DAY: Since we’re expecting a finisher or two before the next post, there will be no question tonight. 

Answer to this mornings question: The mushers will be in White Mountain shortly.  There they will take their last mandatory rest.  Why is there a mandatory rest so close to the finish line in Nome?

Before the teams reach the checkpoint of White Mountain they have been traveling on and along the Yukon River.  That portion of the trail has been known to be rough on the teams.  So a rest at White Mountain gives the musher and his dogs a chance to rest up before the last push to Nome. 

While we will have a winner tomorrow, please remember all the teams that are still on the trail.  Let’s welcome every team into Nome!

Until morning,
