I had my plane ticket, I had my clothes packed, I had my summer business squared away, and suddenly I didn’t have a bridge to get from Wisconsin to Duluth, Minnesota to catch my flight to Alaska for the Iditarod Summer Camp for Teachers. It is now labeled as the “Worst Flood In Duluth’s History” and it has wreaked havoc among the people and zoo animals of this Lake Superior city. The challenge for me was to try to catch the second leg of my flight in Minneapolis. The cost – $271. Yikes. After a few phone calls, sweet Joanne from Iditarod Headquarters had me back in the air from Minneapolis at no additional cost.
I flew into Anchorage at 11:30 p.m. ADT on June 20 – the Summer Solstice. To be in Alaska during the Solstice is, yet, another dream of mine come true. Driving around the Wasilla/Palmer area on June 21 surrounded by mountains made the panic and heart palpitations of the previous day all worthwhile.
Bridge or no bridge, I made it to the beautiful state of Alaska, I experienced the Solstice, and I look forward to our Iditarod Summer Camp for Teachers!