Meadow Lakes, Shaw & Sherrod Elementary Schools

DSC_1605Part of my job as Teacher on the Trail is to visit schools and present information about the Iditarod and what my role is in the race.  The last two days were spent at 3 amazing schools in the Mat-Su Valley.  I started yesterday (Wednesday) at Meadow Lakes Elementary where I spoke to students from K – 5th grade.  The view they have from their school is something we don’t have in Wisconsin.  Yes – those are mountain peaks rising up behind their building.  Thanks Meadow Lakes!

I began the day today (Thursday) at Shaw Elementary DSC_1645where Mrs. West and Mrs. Cook helped me set up in the IMC.  (Thank you for your help!)  Again, an amazing view from the school. Students listened to my presentation and had great questions for me.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t answer all of them.  So students, as I promised, here is my Teacher on Trail address: Before you try to get me to answer one of your Trivia Questions – remember to try to find the answer yourself!  🙂

DSC_1627Before I left the WLC to come to Alaska, I promised my students that Juneau – our class mascot – would accompany me and get his picture taken wherever possible.  As you can see, Juneau enjoyed a pizza lunch with Mrs. Cappa, her staff and students in the Deaf Ed. room at Shaw Elementary.  It was great getting to know all of you and I thank you for sharing your meal with us.  Juneau also had fun getting to know all of the classroom dogs.

Next I went to speak to the 4th grade students at Larson Elementary School.  About 120 4th graders squeezed into a classroom while we talked about the Iditarod, the Iditarod Air Force and my preparations for the race as well as comparisons between Alaska and Wisconsin.  Even with the tight quarters, students listened and even participated in my presentation.

Thank you Meadow Lakes, Shaw and Sherrod Elementary Schools for inviting me into your schools and making me a part of your day.