Teachers Who Use the Iditarod at School

2021 Teacher on the Trail™ finalist, Jim Deprez, with Balto at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History

Mr. Jim Deprez is a 3rd grade teacher in Hilliard, Ohio!  He enjoys sports (New England and Ohio State), working outside, and spending time with his family and friends.  In the summers, Mr. Deprez, his wife, and two daughters enjoy traveling.  Here is his thought about the Iditarod:

“The things that I like most about the Iditarod are tracking the mushers along the trail, watching all of the videos on the Insider, but most importantly, the camaraderie amongst the mushers. I love the fact that this is a RACE, and everyone wants to win, but they also help each other along the course when another musher is in need. This is a fantastic show of sportsmanship and I wish more sports were like this.”



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