Teachers Who Use the Iditarod at School

2021 Teacher on the Trail ™ finalist, Ms. Bridget Neace, in her fun shirt

Ms. Bridget Neace is a elementary school librarian in South Chesterfield, Virginia.  Before becoming a librarian, she was a classroom teacher for 10 years.  Ms. Neace loves to read everyday (Harry Potter is her fav, and she is a Ravenclaw), spend time with her family putting together puzzles, playing board games, and conquering escape rooms and other adventures!

Here’s what Ms. Neace says about the Iditarod:

One of my favorite things about the Iditarod is the concept of the Red Lantern Award–I tell my students that finishing the race is such an amazing achievement that it doesn’t matter whether you come in 1st or 61st…and I love how the Red Lantern celebrates that.

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