Teachers Who Use the Iditarod at School

2021 Teacher on the Trail ™ finalist, Ms. Teresa Lehman, holds a future sled dog!

Ms. Teresa Lehman is a 3rd grade teacher in Pennsylvania.    When she’s not teaching, she loves to be outside exploring!     Her favorite activities are hiking, backpacking, camping, and kayaking.  Ms. Lehman says this about her interest in the Iditarod:

“My favorite part of the Iditarod is the dogs and the excitement that it brings to the classroom.  I say the Iditarod is my “Super Bowl”.  I love learning about the dogs, mushers, and the villages visited along the trail. “




Wow!  These look like incredibly talented and exciting teachers! Be sure to read about their adventures each day this week as they compete for 2021 Iditarod Teacher on the Trail™!  

Until next time, this is your canine reporter,




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