Update March 6- Early Edition

Hi Boys and Girls,

Hope you have a great day today.  We should be seeing the teams starting their 24 hour rests today and tomorrow.  That just means the there will be less activity on the trail.  Our photo from Jeff Schultz today is of one of Mike Ellis’ Siberian Huskies in the checkpoint of Nikolai.  I hope you are enjoying having a picture with each update.  I sure am.


Now for today’s update:

DATE:   March 6, 2013  Early Edition

TIME:   1: 27am Alaska Time   

LEADERS: 1. Jake Berkowitz 2. Aaron Burmeister  3. Aliy Zirkle  3. Lance Mackey 5. Mitch Seavey.. 

WHERE ARE THE MUSHERS: Jake has left Takotna. The other 3 are in Takotna.  The next 9 teams are resting in Takotna, 13 teams are traveling between Nikolai and Mc Grath, 8 teams are resting in Nikolai, 13 teams are between Rohn and Nikolai and 2 teams are in Rhon.

RED LANTERN POSITION: David Sawatzky who is resting in Rohn

WEATHER:   The weather around Rohn is 17 and cloudy, The weather between Nikolai and Takotna is 19 and cloudy.


Answer to Yesterday’s Question: A musher must take one 24 hour mandatory stop at a time they feel is beneficial to their team.  At this time the start differential will be made up.  All mushers stay at least 24 hours but only one musher stays exactly 24 hours – that’s the last musher who left the start line.  The second to last musher stays 24 hours and 2 minutes, the next stays 24 hours and 4 minutes. That two minute addition goes all the way to the first musher to leave the start line.  So the first musher to leave in Willow has the longest 24 hour rest. Why do you think this happens?

QUESTION OF THE DAY:  There are 2 more mandatory rests in the race.  Where are they and how long do they last?

As you can see the teams are starting to spread out a little.  Let’s see where they decide to take their rests.  Have a great day today.

Until later today,
