Counting the Iditarod
SEVEN Checkpoints Visited by the Teacher on the Trail
This year I had the opportunity to visit seven villages along the Iditarod Trail: Nenana, Tanana, Ruby, Galena, Nulato, Elim, and White Mountain. Each checkpoint was unique, and they were all excited to have the mushers, dogs, and volunteers visit their village. In Galena, Elim, and White Mountain many children came out to cheer on the mushers. In Tanana the villagers made a big camp fire to keep everyone warm at -40. In Nenana and Nulato I had some of the best moose stew around! And in Ruby we were all treated to a beautiful sunset over the Yukon River.
EIGHT Days, 3 hours, 40 minutes, and 13 seconds
This is the time it took Mitch Seavey to finish the 2017 Iditarod. The Iditarod has come a long way since the first winning time of 20 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes, and 41 seconds in 1973.
Well I’m back in Anchorage now, and I’ve got a case of the Iditarod blues. This trip was been absolutely amazing, and I cannot believe it is coming to a close. However, before I head home later this week I plan on spending time with many of the volunteers that make this race a reality. Today four of the veterinarians and I traveled down to Seward and visited the Alaska Sealife Center. It was amazing! I got to touch starfish, and then got a little hug from a sea urchin. We observed sea lions and seals, and learned about salmon migration. After talking to one of the Sealife Center employee’s I learned that they have a fantastic distance learning program. You class can connect with a marine mammal expert and learn from nine different programs. I can’t wait to sign up students up for one of these lessons!
Kelly, me, and Claire having some fun at the Sealife Center
- Beautiful, sunny Alaska
- Alaska Sealife Center
- Starfish!