We love our kennel name!
The Iditarod Summer Camp for Teachers is a remarkable opportunity to meet mushers at the volunteer picnic as they sign the dotted line and enter the Last Great Race on Earth®.

Photo courtesy Iditarod
I had the pleasure of meeting rookie musher Mary Helwig that day. I remember Mary casually mentioning to me that she had lost her home and belongings in the Sockeye fire that affected so many mushers last summer, and I could not believe her amazing attitude. Her team and dog sled survived the wildfire. To lose almost all you own, and yet still be dedicated to bringing your beloved dog team nearly 1,000 miles to the burled arch in Nome…was simply inspiring.
In my last post about puppies, we learned about newborn huskies, made our own, and named each one, lovingly, using a Texas theme. We followed a special and time-honored tradition within the musher community to name puppy litters. Now it was time to create one kennel name to bring us all together as a class. For help, I turned to Mary and I asked her how her kennel, “Bravo Kennel”, came about. She was so gracious and created a video for all of us to see, answering our question while very busy in the middle of training. We were surprised by her answer!
[wpvideo ISCPHzPj]
We loved meeting Bravo, Mary’s special sled dog, and learning that his attitude and hard work inspired her to name her kennel after him. A vote was in order! My students had many ideas for our kennel name, but we needed to find one that was personal for us and our journey this year. A great way to narrow down votes in a classroom is to use Tap Roulette, a fun, game-formatted app that helps a group make decisions through the process of elimination. We decided to use Poll Everywhere on the web to give everyone a chance to express their passionate view of what our kennel name should be. I added every name choice from my class, created a QR code for my students to find my poll online easily, and then we voted together online.
After our initial vote, I edited and narrowed down the choices to our top 4, and we voted again. Poll Everywhere allows you to change your choices easily, without having students enter a new poll all over again. The results of our vote were in real time:
[wpvideo m8r6SuqW]
Our new kennel and class name became “20 Lucky Huskies”, and we celebrated. What a perfect designation for our amazing journey this year. We certainly are fortunate to have this unique opportunity to share our learning with the world, and sometimes we feel just like huskies on a team… working hard together for a common goal. It is perfect for us!
Now, it was time for some math activities to bring the lesson all together. I created a kennel fraction activity for my students based upon what we learned in my post about dog house design. Students had to color and decorate a kennel following fraction rules.
In our whole group lesson, I created a kennel glyph. Glyphs are a fun way to gather and create data using pictures. First, I created a form with Iditarod-themed questions for my students to answer, and their responses told them how to color and create their individual husky dog house picture. Put all together, we had one, big, kennel bulletin board that represented all of our answers from the glyph. We then looked at our pictorial data, analyzed it, and created fractional representations from it on a chart. We also challenged ourselves to reduce the fractions to their simplest form.
Below is video of Mary, taken by her father, as she took her team out for a 50 mile practice run over the Christmas holiday.
[wpvideo NoEEG3VF]
Fraction Dog House
Fraction Dog Yard Student Sheet
Fraction Dog Yard Glyph
Fraction Dog Yard Directions
Dog House Glyph Lesson Plan
Dog Yard Fraction Lesson Plan
Follow my journey this year as 2016 Iditarod Teacher on the Trail™. We have partnered with Skype as a virtual field trip experience, and I will be sending recorded video messages daily along the trail to classrooms around the world. Sign up for a free Skype account first and then join the “Iditarod Classroom Club” to follow along. Remember, you must have a Skype account first, or you only be in my club for 24 hours as a guest! Click the link below:
Iditarod Classroom Club
Want to know more about Mary Helwig and other 2016 Iditarod mushers and their teams? The name says it all. The ULTIMATE INSIDER gives a school access to everything! All of the benefits of the INSIDER VIDEO combined with the ability to “Track the Pack” with the GPS INSIDER! Access to all of the commercial-free video. Spotlight up to 5 of your favorite mushers and receive email alerts when they enter and leave a checkpoint.
- GPS Tracker
- Commercial-Free access to all video content
- Highlight 5 Mushers with email alerts

Get to know Mary Helwig with her Insider video – www.iditarod.com