Alaska has a rich history, starting when it was settled by the Russians to the beginning of the Iditarod sled dog race. My students just finished studying the history of Alaska. After class discussion and additional research the students were assigned to create an interactive timeline. We used a new, free learning tool called HSTRY. It is a free tool for teachers and students to use to create timelines. The timeline is set up very similar to a Facebook profile. When entering an event to the timeline students are able to choose to enter the event as an image, a “Did You Know” fact, a quiz question, a YouTube link, an audio clip, or just text.
The activity started with a class discussion about what the students already know about the history of Alaska. We listed on the board several events; when Alaska became a state, the capital, when the Iditarod started, and the gold rush. The students then turned their attention with their small groups on researching the many events in Alaska’s history. When researching, the groups had required information for their timeline as well as finding events in history which were interesting to them. This ensured all groups not having the exact same timeline when finished.
In order to begin creating their timeline, students had to join the class I created on the HSTRY website. This was very easy to do; students came up with a username and password, and entered a code to enter the classroom. They were now in the classroom and free to begin creating their timeline. When the timeline is finished, they will publish their timeline and I will be able to access it very easily through my account.
When all the timelines were finished the students had the opportunity to view another group’s timeline. While they viewed the other timelines, they were to focus on the writing assignment they received; What event in history do you feel has impacted Alaska the most. Defend your response with factual evidence.
After viewing other timelines and completing the writing assignment we came back as a whole class. We discussed the events the students felt had the biggest impact on Alaska. We also discussed the many events of Alaska’s history. This technology tool is a new and interesting way to create and share timelines. Teachers are able to create their own timelines to share with class as well.
To view a finished Alaska HSTRY timeline, click here. You will need to register to view the timeline. It is free.