Dog Care Brochure With the Help of Sanka W. Dog

Earlier in December I wrote about having students create a brochure in PrintShop2 to educate people about the Iditarod.  The brochures turned out great and students learned a lot about different aspects of the Iditarod.

My friend, Sanka W. Dog at just wrote an article called Healthy, Happy Dogs – Ten Tips.  It reminded me of the brochure my students created last Screen Shot 2013-01-17 at 9.31.39 PMyear about dog care.  After doing some research, they created by hand a colorful, creative tri-fold informational brochure.  If you are looking for new ideas, create a Dog Care brochure using the tips from Sanka W. Dog.  If you don’t have Print Shop, view this video to see how to do one in Google Docs.   If you don’t want to use or have access to technology, do like my class did last year and color it by hand.  No matter how you choose to publish, creating a brochure or flyer is a fun way to learn and inform.