Teach and Learn
Latest Teach and Learn Posts
Many teachers always comment that they want to incorporate the Iditarod all year, but they don’t know how. As a result, the Iditarod makes it into their classroom for a small amount of time. It is very possible to teach the Iditarod year round while still teaching your other curriculum. My students are currently studying …
Our Virtual Fall Conference this month is focused on technology as teachers around the world are pushing tech to its limits dealing with distance, hybrid, and in person learning, sometimes all at the same time! Technology used by fans, students, and teachers to follow the race has certainly grown and changed over the years. Today, …
Welcome to Husky Talk Podcast A weekly behind the scenes look at the Iditarod and mushing for classrooms around the world. Erin Montgomery, 2015 Iditarod Teacher on the Trail™ from Iowa and her students host this podcast, designed and created to introduce you to the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race and give you an essential behind …
In August, the hashtags #womenshistory and #Beyondthe19th were trending. Here’s a little bit of Iditarod #womenshistory for you and your students! Share the primary source with the students and give them some time to examine it on their own. This source is featured in the Iditarod On-Line Museum (click the photo for a larger image). …
Tails from the Trail A quick stop in McGrath before Unalakleet tomorrow. McGrath is located at the meeting point of the Kuskokwim and Takotna River. It is a larger village, with a population of 479. This is the last hub for larger aircraft before Unalakleet, so many volunteers and Iditarod crew will pass through McGrath …
The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race’s early history is recorded in the incredible book, Iditarod – The First Ten Years. This book is a must own for any educator using the race with students. If you don’t own a copy, we highly suggest you make plans to order a copy today. Lesson plans for classroom …
Tails from the Trail I have had the pleasure of spending the last few days visiting local schools in the Mat-Su Valley School District. It has been so much fun being with the students, learning, and talking about the Iditarod! We even had time for some Sled Dog Hokey Pokey and games of Musher Says. …
We would like to thank the students at Takotna Community School and Principal/Teacher Susan Smith, for sharing their December newsletter with us. Enjoy the read. How does what’s happening at this school along the Iditarod Trail compare with what’s happening in your school? Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
Investigating the Surface of the Iditarod Trail by Kelly Shusko, Colonial School District, Delaware *This lesson was created for Kindergarten students but is applicable for other grade levels. Standards and Application of lesson: Stem/Science/Social Studies- Geography, Social Emotional Learning The purpose of this lesson is to have students plan and carry out an investigation about …
NOTE: These lessons are being updated for current website links, resources, and 2024 race information. You will find the most current revisions at the link posted. Lessons in this math packet can be used to add rigor to your math curriculum. Lessons are geared for grades 2 – 6. With adaptation, the lessons can be …