- Share the primary source with the students and give them some time to examine it on their own. This source is featured in the Iditarod On-Line Museum (click the photo for a larger image). Why is it so important?
- Discuss the source with the group. What do they notice about the object? What questions does it bring up? How could more information be gathered?
- Let the students explore the associated resources to discover all about Libby Riddles.
- As a follow up, the students could design a trading card for Libby.
Associated Resources:
- Alaska Sports Hall of Fame (this source includes a video): Article Here
- From the Smithsonian (this source includes a photo of her sled, which might make a great primary source to start this discussion as well): Article Here
- Libby’s Iditarod Record: Data Here
- Storm Run: Libby’s picture book would make a great follow up to this activity! Click here to purchase a copy and support the race at the same time!
- Husky Talk Podcast with Libby Riddles: Click Here
“I had an agreement with myself before I left. If I take off, I’m not coming back, even it it’s crummy.”
~Libby Riddles