Zoom Lens – Dogs Home from Nome

There are no roads to Nome so there are no roads home except for Aaron Burmeister who calls Nome home. Years ago, Mary Shields who was the first women to finish Iditarod, turned around and ran her dogs another 800 miles back home to Fairbanks. That’s good but what about the rest of the mushers that run from Anchorage to Nome? How do the dogs get home? Answer is they fly first class on Alaska Air – yup, they take ten rows of seats out and the dogs ride up there in first class. I’m pretty sure that when I fly out tomorrow afternoon, there’ll be as many dogs as humans on the flight. While waiting for the flight out to the road, the huskies go to the canine campground known as the dog lot. The mushers take care of the athletes just as they did on the trail. As guardian, there is an impressive husky watching over the canine camp out.