Pictures from the Yukon River

While Joe Runyan is sitting next to me typing away on a long update on strategy, I have not even looked a times and do not know the scoop. I have just seen the teams on the River. Watch for his next post!!!!

Looking at the runtimes of Martin and Mitch, Mitch did the run 2.5 hrs FASTER than Martin. His lead is evaporated. Two and half hours on 62 miles. Now that is a lot. 

here the incoming teams of

Mitch, Aaron, Jessie, Jake and Joar.

4V1A8973 4V1A8974 4V1A8982 4V1A8985 4V1A8995 4V1A8999 4V1A9001 4V1A9006 4V1A9013 4V1A9022 4V1A9030 4V1A9042 IMG_0956 IMG_0958 IMG_0959 IMG_0963 IMG_0972 IMG_0987 IMG_0988 IMG_0989 IMG_0992 IMG_0995 IMG_0998 IMG_1003 IMG_1007 IMG_1012 IMG_1019 IMG_1020 IMG_1029 IMG_1033 IMG_1035 IMG_1039