Safety Update

Made it to Safety. Sure glad to see the Roadhouse. Meeting Jeff from ort Insider Crew he warned me,             “ Sebastian, it’s going to blow 35 mile in the blowhole and 3 foot groundstorm “. Up top in the hills it was windy, but no real snow to blow around. Aliy Zirkle was still on Fish River when I passed her, while Jeff King was getting close to the A Frame Shelter Cabin, which meant he had made further time on Aliy.

His team looked like a freight train and on the icy down hills, with a good side wind he had to use quite a bit of skill to make it down safely.

At the Topkop Shelter cabin is very little snow and the lagoons afterward are glare ice. I did not find the wind in the blowhole that bad and already thought, “Ha! Piece of cake.” Wrong…. The closer to Safety the more the wind picks up and especially there is more snow to blow around. Yep, 35 miles and ground blizzard is about right. Luckily for the mushers the wind is mostly a tail wind. Nevertheless it will not be a pleasant run.

Scored a meal here at Safety, the wood stove is going but otherwise it is very quiet here. Not much traffic in this weather.   Let’s hope this update actually works….. it’s over satellite connection, thus the small pictures.

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