I’m forever impressed by all the work that goes into hosting a checkpoint. It’s an endeavor that brings the community, both young and old and everyone in-between together. People cook and provide delicious food for the mushers and volunteers, there’s organizing the musher parking, readying places for the mushers and volunteers to sleep and of course the clean-up once the mushers depart. That list doesn’t even scratch the surface of what goes into the planning, preparation and implementation of a checkpoint. The kids of Huslia did their part too in welcoming and encouraging the mushers. They made signs, signs and more signs! For those who remember Burma Shave signs (verses by the side of the road), the inbound trail and outbound trail bore a strong resemblance,
Heading out of Huslia, there was a series of encouraging signs – Good Luck – About 500 miles to Go – Be Safe – You Can Do This!