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» Mushers » Peter Reuter

Peter Reuter

Hometown: Bloomingdale, NY

There are no records for this musher during the 5 race.


Peter Reuter, 54, hails from New York’s Adirondack Mountains, where he lived until he finished college at Paul Smiths College with a degree in forestry. He began mushing in 1980 with a recreational team of Malamutes and started giving sled dog tours in the early 1990’s with Thunder Mountain Sled Dogs in the Adirondacks. He’s been in Alaska full time since 2012 when he came to guide and race dogs. In the summers he gives sled dog tours for Seavey’s Ididaride on the Punchbowl Glacier in Girdwood. He will be racing the Iditarod with dogs from Dean Osmar’s Cook Inlet Kennels. Peter says, “I am running Iditarod for the challenge and joy of running 1000 miles with incredible dogs through amazing terrain!!!” He is married to Daun. Peter has an adult son, Cassidy. His hobbies are hunting, fishing and playing bluegrass music.