GPS: Behind The Numbers


Go Inside the race. Go Inside the Numbers. Go Deeper into the Iditarod with a Ultimate Insider subscription. There are some exciting new features with the GPS Tracker for 2013. New this year is a new analytical tool that gives our viewer an incredible snapshot on the mushers and their teams.

The current data is available in two tabs, “info” and “stats” as you hover over the musher’s flag on the map. In the Info tab is a quick dashboard view of your musher. You can view Status, Current Speed, AvgSpeed, Moving AvgSpeed, Race Mile, Elevation, Temperature, Time Recorded, Time Since Transmit.

The second field, called Stats, shows more insightful data. Here you will see Run vs Rest Time +/, Total, Time Resting, Total Time Running. A real Insiders view that gives you the ability to make your own judgement on teams condition.

 Not enough insight for you? The new AnalyticsView gives you a more granular look at race data:

  • Altitude reading at time of position report
  • Temperature reading at time of position report
  • Musher’s speed at time of position report
  • Musher’s average speed INCLUDING resting time at time of position report
  • Musher’s average speed NOT INCLUDING resting time at time of position report
  • Day night indicators by shading blue for night, white for day along the chart’s timeline of the race
  • Located along the bottom of the XAxis of the chart, displays the unofficial time the Musher arrived and left a checkpoint.

But maybe the best new feature is the ability to compare two mushers in the AnalyticsView. Now you can compare your team with the leader’s team, or against the team charging up the trail.

This is powerful stuff! Become your own Analyst! Become an Ultimate Insider!





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