Bruce Lee’s report from Kaltag

Kaltag. Aaron Burmeister is into Kaltag with a nice looking team. The number one thing about this team is they’re eating really well, keeping up their calorie intake. Aaron is upbeat and happy with his team which seems to be reflected in the attitude of his dogs. This team looks really nice coming into here.

This is going to be another cold night here on the trail with temperatures of 40 below expected again during the night. All the mushers have been experiencing night after night of traveling and camping out in sub-zero temperatures and have worked hard to keep up the condition of their teams is these demanding temperatures.

There is already talk and rumors on the trail of winds along the coast as the race heads towards the Bering Sea coast. Predictions are for the temperatures to rise above the freezing point in the next few days, a possible swing in temperatures of 80 degrees from sub-zero to well above freezing.

A couple of teams that are having really good runs towards the front of the pack are Jesse Royer, who is having one of her best races ever at this point, and Wade Marrs.

We’ll be posting new videos on the Insider from here in Kaltag as the race heats up both in temperature and pace as we head towards the Bering Sea Coast.

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