Eye on the Trail: Before Breakfast on Saturday

MIke Santos from Cantwell, Alacka arrived in Nome just after 0500 Saturday morning.  His wife Caitlin and one-year-old some Max were waiting at the arch.  Max, wearing a head lamp was on his mother’s back and excited to see his daddy.  Max’s dad finished in 39th place in 11 day 19 hours and 7 minutes.  Mike says he’s an Alaska that was born in Massachusetts.  His first experience with sled dogs was in New England, that was before he’d ever heard of Iditarod.  Mike and Caitlin moved to Cantwell in 2005 searching for longer trails, deeper snow and the chance to run the Iditarod.  Santos believes that sled dogs capture the world.  This is Mikes fourth Iditarod run.  He completed his rookie run in 2012.  This is his second full trip to Nome.

Rohn Buser was next to reach his goal of Nome.  The younger Buser comes by mushing through his father, four time champion Martin Buser.  Growing up with the sport, Rohn has participated in the Junior Iditarod four consecutive years beginning in 2004.  In 2007 he captured the Junior championship.  The following year he took his first run at Nome and finished in 37th place.  In 2012 he finished in 18th place and now in 2015 he’s in the 40th position.  The Happy Trails canines were very energetic coming off the sea ice, down Front Street and into the chute this morning.  The temperature was pleasant, the blow hole was quiet and the trail was fast.  Rohn’s time from Safety to Nome was 2 hours and 51 minutes.  When Rohn was born, his folks decided on an Iditarod related name.  Martin has always loved the beauty that surrounds the Rohn checkpoint and you know the rest of that story.  In 2012 the two Busers split the talented Happy Kennel dogs into two equal teams.  It was like seeing double watching Martin and Rohn work with their dogs in the checkpoints handout on the trail.  they came down Front Street together that year.  If you were to ask either of them, I’d say that both treasure that time they spent together on the Iditarod Trail.    

The 17th Dog team trotted into the chute this morning bringing the sun to the horizon.  The first thing Matt Failor commented on was the beauty of the sunrise.  The second thing he mentioned was how his leaders, Rebel and Volkl had matured over the trail.  Specifically, Matt mentioned the cold in the early days of the race and the gusting winds from Unalakleet to Shaktoolik to Koyuk as much bigger than average Alaskan challenges.  Couldn’t help but notice some rather stylish and colorful leggings on a few of Matt’s dogs.  Martin Buser and DeeDee Jonrowe were at the finish line to welcome Matt.  Failor has worked for various mushers since moving to Alaska in 2008.  As a kid, the family enjoyed “outdoor” vacations and now he’s added mushing to his list of outdoor pleasures.  Failor’s first experience on the Iditarod trail was with Martin Buser’s puppy team in 2012.  He’s been on the trail every year since then.  Now he’s running dogs from his own kennel.  Matt considers his dogs family.  They spend every season of the year living together and working toward a common goal of improving in everything they do and to never stop learning.  Wondering where Matt’s trademark blue coat was this morning?  His dog’s were wearing Failor blue.   

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