Teachers attending the 2016 Iditarod Summer Teacher’s Camp experience their first contact with sled dogs at Iditarod Headquarters on Saturday June 18th. Raymie Redington brings a dog team to Headquarters everyday of the week to provide rides for tourists. The teachers took advantage of the ride on the wheeled cart pulled by the Redington sled dogs and meet Raymie, the son of Iditarod founder Joe Redington Sr.
Watch for more Telephoto Stories this week. The teachers are staying at Vern Halter’s Dream a Dream Dog Farm and Musher Training Center connecting with like-minded colleagues who use Iditarod as a theme for education in classrooms around the world. The educators will depart summer camp after the Volunteer Picnic and musher signup with a sled load of ideas for teaching language arts, math, science, social studies, geography, health, music, art, engineering, technology, and character.