As teams headed to the start banner at 4th and “D” there were a lot of smiles. Race fans by the thousands, gathered along 4th Avenue, on Cordova Street, at the Ball Field, on the BLM trails and at Campbell Airstrip – they were all smiling. The dogs were smiling and showing great excitement and enthusiasm while entertaining the crowds and running on a beautiful day. The mushers were smiling, it’s the day they get to show off their dogs and it’s the day they share a special experience with Idita-riders. Needless to say, the Idit-riders were smiling as they enjoyed the most incredible experience of mushing. It was a great day all around.

Enjoy this photo essay. Tomorrow is the big day the mushers and dogs have been preparing for since late summer. Anja Radano, one of the mushers who won the entry fee at musher sign up will lead the teams across Willow Lake. Cindy Gallea, who retired but couldn’t stay retired, will be the final musher to take the trail in Iditarod XLVII.