Anja Radano through Takotna

Anja Radano came through Takotna just before midnight, she seems to be fairly happy and enjoying her time on the trail. She stopped long enough to grab a bagged lunch and head towards Ophir.

Blair Braverman pulled out of Takotna just after midnight, with the snow almost turning to rain in the wee hours here. She showed me the harness of one of her dogs, Hellion (lovingly called Helli by those in the know). She said it was around the 8th harness that Helli has chewed during the race because she doesn’t like to stop and camp, she just wants to go all the time! Blair was lead out of the checkpoint by Wilbur in single lead, an interesting decision at this point in the race as single lead can be mentally taxing on some dogs. But, she’s had plenty of rest, and I have no doubt she has other leaders up to the challenge should Wilbur get tired of running lead. Her dogs were barking to go as she untangled the last tug lines before leaving the checkpoint!



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