Eye on the Trail: Monday Evening Unalakleet

Beringtons Depart For Shaktoolik

As afternoon turned to evening in Unalakleet skiers of all ages gathered across the slough on the Dragon’s Back for the Citizen’s ski race.  Skiers of all ages took their turn skiing the newly groomed trails around the windbreaks.  As they enjoyed the snow on that side of the slough, mushers were preparing for the trip to Shaktoolik on the checkpoint side of the slough.

Michi Konno Boots to Leave UNK with Ski Race in the Background

Wade Marrs departed mid afternoon.  Anna Berington, Kristi Berington and Michi Konno left during the ski race.  Not long after, Brett Bruggeman also headed out on the trail for the 40-mile trip to Shaktoolik.

The trail initially runs along the coast then turns inland and climbs into the Blueberry Hills. Mushers describe this climb as the climb that goes on forever.  Once at the top, the village o steep in places and can be icy.  The trail from the bottom of the hill to the checkpoint runs over ice on the Shaktoolik River.  Shaktoolik and the Blueberry Hills are famous for wind.  Currently though, Mother Nature is being kind today.

Charley Talks Over Pizza About Overflow on the Yukon.

Charley Benja was sitting in the checkpoint looking at a pizza that had been sent to him through Peace on Earth Pizza.  Charley was tired and it was taking a while to register that there was some mighty tasty good inside the box.  After he flipped the box open and had a few bites, he started talking about the Yukon River run.  Wet snow, slow snow, repeat, repeat.  Charley said he’s been wet for the past three days.  The pizza came at just the right time to lift his spirits.

Mackey Feeds in Dishpans

Lance Mackey was dishing out food to his ravenous team by the dishpan full.  Chief Vet Stu Nelson was standing nearby watching and smiling. Dr Nelson commented, “Your dogs are eating like piranhas.”  When Lance came into the checkpoint, he had dry boot liners with him that were sealed in plastic.  With all his experience he was definitely prepared. 

Lev Shvarts was looking pretty disappointed as he had decided to scratch for the well-being of his dog team.  He and Seth Barnes were going over the standing sheet, undoubtedly looking at the shake-up at the front of the race.  Pizza was also delivered for Lev. 

Martin Buser had arrived in the checkpoint an hour earlier and made his way inside.  You can identify Martin a mile away by his red-plaid musher hat.  Buser walked in and hung his gear on the drying line near the heater in the checkpoint.

Others who arrived earlier includerookie leader Richie Beattie, Aaron Peck and Jeff Deeter. These guys caught a little shut eye and have received their wake up calls.  Expect to see them take the trail again very soon.  Aaron Peck earned his coveted finisher’s belt buckle in 2000.  He’s had five Iditarod starts with four finishes.  His best finish is 34th. Currently he’s in 26th position.  Deeter is a veteran whose Iditarod career began in 2008 when he earned his belt buckle.   He returned in 2018 and again this year. His best finish is 43rd. He’s currently in 25th position.    

Here’s a look at the back of the pack.  Jeremy Keller is out of Grayling with 8 dogs.  Alison Lifka (13), Kristin Bacon (13), Anja Radano (11), Cindy Gallea (12) and Victoria Hardwick (14) are resting in Eagle Island.  There are two mushers on the trail with 14 dogs – Victoria Hardwick and Ryan Santiago.       

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